The what, why, and how of eating disorders genetics research

Duration: 12 mins Publication Date: 12 Jan 2024 Next Review Date: 12 Jan 2027 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13585


In this talk, Helena discusses what we know about the genetic component of eating disorders, why it’s important to study this, and where research is going next. Helena also touches on the how - how do researchers study eating disorder genetics and what do they mean by terms like “heritability”?

Learning Objectives

A. To understand what we know (so far) about eating disorder genetics
B. To understand why it is important to investigate eating disorder genetics
C. To improve your understanding of the term "heritability"
D. To recognise that even though someone may be born with a high genetic risk for an eating disorder, this does not mean they are destined to experience one
E. To recognise the importance of worldwide collaboration and recruiting diverse samples

Related Content Links

An in-depth look at eating disorders - In Conversation with Janet Treasure
Learning Series: Diagnosis and Management of Eating Disorders

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