How to recognise anxiety disorders?

Duration: 21 mins Publication Date: 26 Jan 2023 Next Review Date: 26 Jan 2026 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13667


In this talk, Dr Al-Yassin will discuss common childhood anxiety disorders including the different types of anxiety and how it shows up differently in children of varying ages and genders. She will discuss how to know the difference between usual childhood worries which affect most people and anxiety disorders which need more help. Finally, Dr Al-Yassin will discuss the all important question of whether anxiety disorders can ever get better.

Learning Objectives

A. To understand the different types of anxiety disorders
B. To learn about the red flag signs of anxiety, and to be able to work out if a child needs more help
C. To explore the differences in anxiety in different ages and genders
D. To understand the course and prognosis of anxiety disorders

Related Content Links

Social anxiety in children and adolescents: what it is and how to treat it
Anxiety disorders in children: Top tips for Teachers and Educators
Anxiety disorders in children: Top tips for Parents

About this Lesson

