Effectiveness of indicated school‐based interventions for adolescent depression and anxiety
In this Video Abstract Brioney Gee discusses her 'Practitioner Review: Effectiveness of indicated school‐based interventions for adolescent depression and anxiety – a meta‐analytic review'. Interest in delivering psychological interventions within schools to facilitate early intervention is increasing. However, most reviews have focused on universal or preventative programmes rather than interventions designed to decrease existing symptoms of depression or anxiety. This paper aims to provide a meta-analytic review of randomised controlled trials of indicated psychological interventions for young people aged 10–19 with elevated symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.
Learning Objectives
1. Inform the decisions of professionals and policymakers who plan, commission, deliver and evaluate school-based support for young people with depression or anxiety symptoms.
2. Identify, evaluate and synthesise the data from randomised controlled trials of indicated, school-based psychological interventions for adolescents with symptoms of depression or anxiety
3. Examine the methodological quality of included trials and explore the relationship between quality rating and effect size.