Associations between Dimensions of Mental Health Literacy and Adolescent Help-seeking Intentions
In this Papers Podcast, research associate Dr. Claire Goodfellow discusses her CAMH paper ‘Associations between dimensions of mental health literacy and adolescent help-seeking intentions’. Claire is the first author of the paper.
Learning Objectives
1. A definition of ‘Mental Health Literacy’, as it relates to young people.
2. Increased ability to identify specific mental health problems was associated with decreased formal, and informal, help-seeking intentions.
3. Is the fact that knowledge of treatment efficacy was positively associated with help-seeking, despite the ability to identify a mental health problem being negatively associated with help-seeking, unique or more pronounced in adolescents than adults?
4. What are the implications of the findings for CAMH professionals, Educationalists, and other stakeholders?
5. How can information relating to effective treatment for mental health problems be better disseminated to young people?