The Dimensional Model of Adversity & Psychopathology

Duration: 35 mins Publication Date: 12 Dec 2023 Next Review Date: 12 Dec 2026 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13584


In this talk, Dr. Laura Machlin discusses early adversity, including experiences like abuse, neglect, and exposure to violence. She highlights the Dimensional Model of Adversity and Psychopathology, differentiating threatening experiences (e.g., physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence) from experiences of deprivation (e.g., neglect, institutionalization). Dr. Machlin presents research on how these experiences impact mental health risks, focusing on neurodevelopmental mechanisms, brain structure, and fear learning processes in children. The session concludes with the clinical implications of these findings.

Learning Objectives

A. To learn about different models of early adversity
B. To understand current evidence supporting the Dimensional Model of Adversity and Psychopathology
C. To recognise the potential clinical implications of the Dimensional Model of Adversity & Psychopathology

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