Subjective and Objective Experiences of Childhood Adversity

Duration: 11 mins Publication Date: 12 Jun 2023 Next Review Date: 12 Jun 2026 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.24006


In this Papers Podcast, Emma Francis and Dr. Jessie Baldwin discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Subjective and objective experiences of childhood adversity: a meta-analysis of their agreement and relationships with psychopathology’.

Learning Objectives

1. Why they focused on subjective and objective experiences of childhood adversity in this research.
2. A definition of subjective measure of childhood adversity.
3. A definition of objective measures of childhood adversity.
4. The number of studies identified in their systematic search and what these included.
5. The implications of this study from a research perspective.
6. The implications of this study from child and adolescent mental health practitioner perspective.
7. Potential misconceptions about this research.

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Emma Francis

Emma Francis

PhD Candidate on the prestigious University College London-Birkbeck Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Programme
