Personalising Treatment in Child Mental Health: Leveraging and Extending IPDMA Methodology

Duration: 32 mins Publication Date: 16 Dec 2024 Next Review Date: 16 Dec 2027 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13594


In this Papers Podcast, Professor Jennifer Hudson and Lizél-Antoinette Bertie discuss their co-authored JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Extending IPDMA methodology to drive treatment personalisation in child mental health’. There is an overview of the paper, key findings, and implications for practice.

Learning Objectives

1. Define and summarise how Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis (IPDMA) works.
2. The limitations of randomised control trials, systematic reviews and conventional meta-analyses in terms of answering research questions about what works for an individual.
3. Why the study focused on anxiety disorders in the context of youth.
4. Messages that researchers should take from this Editorial Perspective.
5. How the researchers envisage the approach outlined in the paper moving the field towards evidence-based personalised mental health care and how this can be translated into practice.
6. Insight into PADDY (the Platform for Anxiety Disorder Data in Youth) and the need for, and importance of, the formation of a topic-based data repository.
7. The ethical risks and logistical challenges of the formulation of a data repository and how such challenges can be met.

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About this Lesson


Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson

Director of Research & Deputy Director, The Black Dog Institute
