Contamination Bias and Child Maltreatment on Adolescent Behaviour Problems

Duration: 22 mins Publication Date: 22 Jul 2024 Next Review Date: 22 Jul 2027 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.31752


In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Johnny Felt and Dr. Chad Shenk discuss their co-authored JCPP paper ‘Contamination bias in the estimation of child maltreatment causal effects on adolescent internalising and externalising behaviour problems’. There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice.

Learning Objectives

1. Definition of what is meant by the term ‘maltreatment’.
2. What is contamination and why is contamination an issue in the study of child maltreatment?
3. Challenges and limitations of the study. 4. How contamination has been traditionally addressed in child maltreatment studies and how this study has tried to do things differently. 5. The implications of the findings. 6. How contamination in child maltreatment research should be addressed in future research.

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Professor Chad Shenk

Professor Chad Shenk

Professor in the Departments of Human Development & Family Studies and Pediatrics at Penn State

Dr. Johnny Felt

Dr. Johnny Felt

Research assistant professor in the Center for Healthy Aging at Penn State.
