Colouring the Mind: Racism and Mental Health – The Concept

Duration: 36 mins Publication Date: 31 Oct 2023 Next Review Date: 31 Oct 2026 DOI: 10.13056/acamh.25265


‘Colouring the Mind: Racism and Mental Health’ is a new mini In Conversations series that will explore how racism affects mental health, with a particular focus on racism in the mental health system and racism in the mental health concept. In this episode, Malaika Okundi and Jessica O’Logbon focus on the concept of racism in mental health and discuss definitions of race, racism, and mental health as concepts.

Learning Objectives

1. The definition of ‘race’.
2. Racism, colourism, and the impact on mental health.
3. Lived experience of the different levels of racism (internalised, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic).
4. What defines mental health and what the link is between racism and mental health.
5. The importance of lived experience researchers.
6. Why representation matters in studies and in roles of influence.

About this Lesson


Malaika Okundi

Malaika Okundi

Early career researcher working on the Transmission of experiences of Racism, Anxiety and Depression (TRADE) project, the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures and the Landscaping International Longitudinal Datasets (LILD) project.
