Bridging the Child Mental Health Care Gap in LMICs: RESEED and Task-shifted, Teacher-led Care
In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Christina Cruz, Dr. Michael Matergia, and Priscilla Giri discuss their co-authored CAMH journal Short Research Article ‘RESEED – the perceived impact of an enhanced usual care model of a novel, teacher-led, task-shifting initiative for child mental health’.
Learning Objectives
1. Introducing RESEED (Responding to Students’ Emotions through Education), and Tealeaf (Teachers Leading the Frontlines).
2. Definitions of ‘stepped levels of care’ and ‘task-shifting’ in terms of teacher-led care.
3. Research gaps that this study aimed to address.
4. Surprising results from the study.
5. Implications for policymakers, and researchers.
6. Advice and implications from a practice and intervention perspective for teachers working in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).